Balik Fillet Tsar Nikolaj with three sesames


1 Balik fillet Tsar Nikolaj for two

20 g wasabi sesame

20 g black sesame

2 to gr white sesame, roasted

½ cucumber (200g)

80gr plain stirred yogurt

½ lemon

2 mint leaves

A little garlic




1. Peel the cucumber, cut in half and remove the seeds with a spoon. Grate the cucumber pieces with a mandolin and drain the grated cucumber with a pinch of salt in a colander. Set aside in a cool place.

2. Crush mint leaves. Peel garlic and cut in half to degerminate. Crush garlic with a knife. Place the mint and a hint of degermed garlic in the mortar and crush with the pestle.

3. Place the crushed garlic and mint in a bowl with the pestle, the stirred yoghurt and the well-drained, degermed cucumber shreds. Add the lemon juice and salt and mix well.

4. Cut out medallions of Balik Fillet Tsar Nikolaj (approx. 1 cm thick, approx. 20 g) and bread one medallion at a time in each sesame seed.

5. Present the medallions on a plate, with the cucumber yoghurt in a ramekin and garnish with a fresh mint leaf and, for connoisseurs, a twist of the pepper mill.


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